you are seasonal flowers we make perfume from your petals we pour it over our feet we pick strawberries and stargaze and pretend to catch fireflies with our eyes
you are road-trips and swimming and sunshine and when you rain,
we swim underneath \ it feels like stars falling on the surface of
you kiss our faces when we breathe
you are camping libraries sheets draped over three bookshelves \ we lie underneath and pretend we are under the milky way
it is a river above and we canoe through the water the waves on windy days we go fishing for fairy moss white
~ lilies ~
and little tadpoles that tickle our ankles; summer, i climb on your shoulders, frantic and laughing
you are a museum we walk through you. we are a hundred photographs on the wall we are the frame we wear our art
our heart
it is the colour of the sun; never forgetting to shine we sleep in it and wake to the light
you are the languages we learn in the moments between custom and security
we come so alive in your sky and the mountains they meet us the clouds they cover
we slip and slide
we build sandcastles and swing around
and around
on the tire swing
behind th
e lake and we listen
to vinyl
we watch people. we come and go. we buy ice cream from an ice cream van and diy insect repellent jars.
we learn many things we carry them in our hands walking barefoot over bog and stone and garden-grass
to backpack and bus
and fall.